Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Be safe on Halloween

Jack-o-laternImage via WikipediaFor so many people, Halloween is their favorite day of the year.

Maybe I have just become a crotchety old woman, because I don’t necessary share that view. There may be a little of that, but mostly, I am just saddened by the way things have changed in my lifetime.

Halloween was a magical time for me

While I have fond childhood memories of Halloween and I loved participating in the seasonal festivities when my two children were young, times are very different today. Attitudes have changed. Horror and violence seems to permeate our society. The world is a much scarier place than it used to be. Much of the innocence during the time of my youth is gone.

Like all kids, trick-or-treating for me was just so much fun. Not only was it all about the candy and playing dress-up, but it was also all about endurance. Trick-or-treating reinforced the lesson that we must earn the things we want. There were no hours imposed back then, so we were able to go out from dawn until dusk, picking up as much candy as we could.

It was especially fun when Halloween fell on a Saturday. I can’t count how many times my older brother visually mapped a course for us so we could swing home to empty our bags, only to go out to fill them up again, without much back-tracking where we’d already been. When I was really little, we lived in the City of Chicago, in the Back-of-the-Yards neighborhood.

I’ve seen those very neighborhoods where we used to innocently collect candy house-to-house, on the news. Gunshots are commonplace. Murder happens on a much-too frequent basis. It is certainly not the same place it was when I was a kid. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be a child there today.

When I was seven, we moved to the suburbs. Safety was never a concern when I was a kid—at least that I was aware of. I recall some of those outings on Halloween. Once I was a sailor, dressing in my father’s old Navy uniform. Another time, I wore my cousin’s prom dress. I was a princess. We never considered buying a costume. We always used what we had; we always improvised.

Fun with the kids

Halloween was big when my kids were young too. I recall the parties at school when all the kids dressed up, usually in homemade costumes. Their grade school would hold a parade where all the costumed kids would walk dutifully around the school grounds. Some of the moms and neighborhood seniors would come to admire them. Then they would have a party in their classrooms. Some of the costumes were really clever.

We lived in a small town, where everyone knew each other. The neighbors pretty much watched over the kids. Homemade goodies still appeared in trick-or-treat bags. That isn’t advisable anymore. In fact, it is now recommended not to eat, say an apple, because people have actually placed razor blades inside them.

I think my dislike for Halloween began when my daughter came home from school one year with a tube of fake blood one of her friends had given her. She wanted me to put it on her face so she would look really scary. I refused. I told her there was no way I wanted to see her beautiful face covered in blood—fake or not.

Even when my kids outgrew it, Halloween was still fun for me. I worked for a local newspaper, so at times, I took pictures of some of the most interesting costumes.

I enjoyed watching some of the little kids amble up the steps of our big, front porch in their often over-sized costumes. Often times the little ones were accompanied by their parents. Seeing them had an atmosphere of being like visiting with neighbors. As the little hands reached into our big plastic pumpkin filled with candy bars, gum, and suckers, it was like they were on a mission. Most of them were polite and said thank you before they walked away. If they didn’t their parents would remind them.

Halloween started to lose its luster for me

Every year there were more and more kids. It was hard to judge how much candy to buy. It started to get really expensive. Almost every year we had to sneak to the local grocery store to buy another bag or two, just to get through the night. Sometimes the store ran out too. The designated time was usually only three hours, but in that time, it was often non-stop kids that came in droves. Many were unknown to me. Some were clearly not of an appropriate age for trick-or-treating. Not all of the kids originated in our town; they came from the country and even other towns, by car. The traffic became horrendous.

Finally when the porch light went out at the designated time, to signify that trick-or-treat was officially over, the little witches and goblins returned home to admire their stash.

That was when the trouble would begin. In our small town, when the police were summoned, it was usually for petty incidents of smashing pumpkins, stealing lawn decorations, or other types of mischief. But that isn’t always the case, according to crime statistics. There are real concerns for kids these days.

So many people are armed with weapons; some are concealed, some not. Not only does it seem that people are less protective of kids, but they are less tolerant of them as well. Violence is glorified on television, in video games, and in music. Horror is celebrated. We seem to be totally desensitized to violence in general. An unhealthy obsession with death and destruction seems to accompany Halloween.

I’m not certain when Casper the friendly ghost turned into Freddie Kreuger, but I know I just don’t like it. I abhor violence of any kind. Crimes have become more heinous than ever before. And crime statistic generally show an increase on Halloween.

I know kids today probably love Halloween as much as I did in my youth, but for me, the thrill has been replaced with extreme caution.

So how ever you plan to celebrate Halloween, please just stay safe.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Aghast at Grey's Anatomy final episode

I understand what the producers of Grey's Anatomy were trying to do during their season finale May 19, but their good intentions were over-shadowed by what some might consider over-the-line offensive.

That said, the actors deserve high praise for their work. The portrayal of their characters was stellar because it was so believable. We responded to the terror they were living through. They were believable and credible, and nearly all should win Emmys for their performances.

The story itself was a very good one, which done properly could have been historic in the annals of dramatic television. But it wasn't. Instead it relied on over-the-top graphic violence. I feel a little betrayed by that. Are good ratings reliant upon violence over substance?

While evoking emotional responses in the viewers was probably their goal, producers may have gotten more than they bargained for.

I for one, and I can only speak for myself, watch television shows like Grey's Anatomy, as a respite from reality. A little reality is good because it makes a show believable. But in my mind, Grey's Anatomy's final episode took this way too far. To me, the show was a little too real, mirroring the fears that already exist in our society. An emotionally-damaged man going berserk on his wife's doctors is a far too possible and frightening scenario. It is neither something I want to think about nor something I want to see in my weekly television viewing lineup.

If I wanted to see pints of blood oozing from victims of gunshot wounds, smeared all over the floor, furniture, and clothing, I'd watch the 6 o'clock news. But even they don't show the act of shooting a likable little nurse in the head at point-blank range while she bleeds out on the floor. I watch TV to escape that the knowledge that such violence occurs in streets all across the country. I choose to avoid that kind of violence in the movie theater.

Furthermore, the last thing I wanted to see was the death and injury of characters I've invested years in getting to know that I've admittedly grown fond of. After all, isn't it the intention of a television drama to produce believable and lovable characters? Grey's Anatomy accomplished that. But then to slaughter them before our eyes caused undue personal distress in what was an otherwise great show.

Was all that graphic violence really necessary to carry out the plot? I don't think so. Case-in-point: one of the best scenes was when the shooter was taken out either by the S.W.A.T. team or his own hand, off-camera. We knew what happened. It was odd that he was the only character we didn't see shot, since his death was the one we could have easily coped with. Our sense of justice would have been satisfied since he caused all the carnage to the characters we care about.

Another thing that was totally wrong with this final episode was that at the moment of the highest drama, there was yet another cut away to a commercial. The plethora of ads during this show seemed excessive and appeared at awkward times--more so than usual.

I will at least give credit that the show did end on an emotional high note, bringing couples together who had drifted apart. After the horror they and we witnessed, it was refreshing to see couples who had lost their way, reunite.That was believable.

I will still watch Grey's Anatomy, and I look forward to next season. But, due to the insensibility thrust upon the viewing audience, don't be surprised if there are some who just don't go back.