Showing posts with label Porch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porch. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Not on a plane, but how about snakes in the yard and on the porch

I didn't have snakes on a plane, but I had snakes in the yard and even one on the porch. For me, it was just as unnerving.
cat goes for snake
We noticed Timi fussing with something in the mint plants
What started out as a quiet afternoon when my husband and I were just sitting, talking on the porch, we noticed our cat Timi, enthralled with something in the garden. I figured it was the frog that had been creaking loudly for days. Come to think of it, I didn't hear it anymore. 

When I crept over to her, I heard a sound unfamiliar to me. Upon closer inspection, I saw a long black tail. Then as my eyes followed the figure, I realized it was a black snake--the kind I'm not supposed to be afraid of. Hah! This guy was as big around as my wrist. I looked all the way to the other end of the garden before I saw his other end. I was not happy. I tried breaking Timi's concentration; fat chance of that. I told my husband I didn't like having a snake in my flowers. If I didn't know he was there, and I was pulling weeds, I would have surely had a heart attack. 

"I don't want him there," I told him. He probably didn't hear me because he was laughing so hard, but I urged him to get the hose to at least squirt water at him to make him go back to whatever hole he crawled out of. 

By this time, our interest had deterred Timi and she started leaving. Maybe it was the word, 'water' that did it.

black snake
Bob was all curled up, probably weary of Timi's games
When John aimed the hose, Bob, the name we gave him and all snakes, as a matter of fact, started getting uncomfortable. Instead of moving away from the water, he began moving toward it. I had my camera, but I was more sissy than photographer at that moment, so I didn't get my movie. This would have been a great You Tube video. Oh well. I went completely the other way. So did John. He wasn't expecting Bob to come our way either. Bob slithered his way onto the porch. John kept spraying. He finally got to the end of the porch near the front door. By this time I was far away. I left myself enough space that I would be safe no matter which way Bob decided to go. What I wasn't prepared for was his practically standing up right next to our front door, seemingly looking for a way out of his dilemma and possibly into our house.  

"Oh no you don't," John said, squirting feverishly. He just related that Bob was at about the five feet off the ground mark. I didn't see that--thank goodness. I can't even think about what would happen if that serpent had made his way into our house. I bet our four cats would have enjoyed that. 

By this time, Timi had completely lost interest. She was onto bigger and better things--chasing lizards or something. She figured she had her fun terrorizing Bob and now it was our turn. Too bad Timi didn't realize we were on the receiving end of the terror. 

Bob did not like being squirted in the face so he retreated off the porch, not far from where my rocking chair sits. I have spent many a peaceful moment in that chair. No more! I'll always wonder if Bob is plotting revenge. 

Once all this commotion was done, John and I took our seats and talked about how unhappy I was to have seen such a huge monster in the peace of my front yard and on the porch of all places. 

All of a sudden we see Timi, at another garden. Oh no, deja vu! Sure enough, she was slapping at another snake, about the same size as Bob. John and I just looked at each other, wondering if that was the same snake. Couldn't be. While Bob was on the front porch I was watching intently. He would have had to pass me to get to the other garden. I knew that didn't happen. I think I would have noticed. This had to be a second snake, about the same size as the first. 

cat seeks out snake
Here's Timi seeking out Bob 2
Timi kept slapping her paw at it. I heard that same noise--it was rattling its tail. I looked it up. Black snakes will rattle their tail like a rattlesnake, although they aren't venomous. Finally, Timi must have made some contact, because Bob 2 wiggled his way through the garden, into an open area, and into the woods. Timi followed for a while and then gave up. She found a quiet spot on a bench and went to sleep. We were far less calm.

We have lived here almost ten years and I have only seen a few snakes. Yesterday I saw two in one day. I have no idea what that means, but I'm hoping history never repeats itself. 

John got out the snake repellent and dusted the perimeter of the gardens and the porch. It is all used up now, so a trip to the garden center is in the plans.

A little while later, I insisted on breaking up a big pile of leaves next to the porch to make sure Bob was gone. He was. I got a long pointed hoe and ruffled up those leaves, ever so gingerly. Bob had disappeared as quickly as he had come. 
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

This summer sucks!

It's official--I don't like summer--at least not this summer anyway. 

With temperatures hovering well into the triple digits for days--as high as 114ยบ yesterday--things are looking pretty grim around here. Most of my plants are dead; only one or two flowers remain close to the porch. That is only because I water them. Even my house plants on the shaded front porch are suffering even though I water at least every other day. There will be no fresh tomatoes to can this year--at least not from my garden. I am beginning to feel like a shut-in because it is just too hot to go outside. 

Thank goodness for Netflix. We have taken to watching movies during hot afternoons or evenings. 

The weather has taken its toll on the wildlife as well. Deer have actually come onto the front porch to eat my flowers. That may not be weather related--it might just have to do with the rascals thinking they can get away with gourmet dining at my expense. They already ate a hibiscus and newly-planted crab apple tree. 

Their behavior does seem rather odd, however. For a time they were here every day. There was a buck, a doe, and two fawns. I haven't seen any of them lately. I'm sure they abandoned our desert landscape in favor of river or lakeside property. And who can blame them? 

The hummingbirds which generally flurry from flower to flower and to the sugar-water feeders we keep on the porch, are now just sitting listlessly on the feeder, their long beaks parted. It is so sad. This morning while watering my plants, I found one had died in a pot of coleus. Just yesterday I saw her perched on that pot. 

We have tried to keep the bird bath full and cool.

I have always been fond of the rain, which is now so scarce. The drought is getting very serious. The last nice rain we had was in June. I can barely remember the dance of the raindrops and gentle sounds, not to mention the smell of it. Chanel No. 5 has nothing on the scent of rain in the woods.

There has been some rain in the area; showers and some storms have popped up on radar images. And we did get a few drops the other night, but it was hardly enough to wet the sidewalk. The clouds seem to form close by only to go some place else to release their precious moisture. Instead, the outdoors now smells like a newly-mown hay field--which is in reality just dying Bermuda grass. It is hard to believe that we enjoyed 11 straight days of rain yielding more than 30 inches just a few months ago. 

As August marches on, there will be more moderate temperatures, at least for a little while. It won't be long before I harangue about how cold it is outside and how I feel like a recluse again. Funny how that works?

It isn't just the weather that promises annoyance. During this respite from the out of doors, the news was all about our country's political divide and lack of compromise among the nation's leaders. During the winter months, we can look forward to the 2012 campaign season which promises to highlight perhaps a greater political divide.

Yes, thank goodness for Netflix.

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