Showing posts with label #hand-quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #hand-quilting. Show all posts

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Today is all about flaws, both physical and mechanical

I’ve been nursing a bad knee for about a month. I’m not sure what I did, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. It is very painful to walk, even with a knee brace, so it appears a doctor visit may be in my future. That is not something I look forward to because I’m a real wimp about such things. However, I may not have a choice if I ever want to walk normally again.

mini frameI recently noted in CH Musings, that I am trying out a new quilt hoop on a stand that I recently purchased. 

I have some good news and some bad news on that front. In the meantime though, I’ve been spending time icing, elevating, and resting my left knee which requires lots of sitting. No worries; that has allowed me time to enjoy my quilting. I’ve always known that quilting provided mental therapy, but now it is also my physical therapy. I am so enjoying working on this quilt. I am making great progress too.

The good news is that I’ve really been enjoying hand-quilting on what I call my mini frame.

The frame itself has three knobs, visible in the photo, which holds the hoop assembly onto the stand. These are adjustable and allow the hoop that holds the quilt to rotate up to 360ยบ. Combined with the other tilt mechanisms on the stand, the adjustability makes for a very comfortable quilting experience.

But the bad news is that apparently, and I’m not sure how or why, but the center knob no longer holds the hoop assembly in place. It is stripped and can no longer be tightened. The hoop is now unstable on the frame and can even fall off if I don’t hold it. That isn’t comfortable.

I’ve written to the company, which seems anxious to help. I hope they can send me a new piece so I can continue using this product. I tried in the interim to quilt on my lap using just a frame as I used to. But now that just feels awkward. I suppose I could get used to it again, but I want to try to make this work.

It is time to hobble into the kitchen for ice for my knee, and settle into an afternoon of quilting.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Hand-quilting; I just can't stop

I first decided to hand quilt my latest quilt – “Afternoon Delight,” a 2020 Block of the Month project designed by the late Sue Garman for The Quilt Show. I finished the quilt top in February, more than a year after I started it. I was pretty iffy on my choice of hand quilting or machine quilting because I really love free-motion quilting on my domestic sewing machine. And, machine quilting is so much quicker. I realized I could have a finished quilt in a much shorter time if I do it by machine. I have never even considered sending a quilt out to be quilted by someone else even though the result of professional quilting is spectacular. So for me, the question was simply one way or the other.

As I’ve stated in a prior post Quilting challenges, my last hand-quilting endeavor was a bit of a disaster. While I loved hand-quilting in the past, a few years ago, I am older now. My eyesight isn’t what it used to be and I have tendonitis in my arms, some carpal tunnel in my hands, and I’ve never really found a way to be completely comfortable. I never learned how to quilt on a frame. I’ve only quilted on my lap with a hoop.

When I’ve hand-quilted in the past, I used a 16” round hoop once used by my husband’s grandmother. You might say I inherited it. Granny made lots of beautiful quilts, one of which I wrote about: Remembering Granny and her quilts

The last time I hand-quilted I tried using no hoop at all, which was definitely easier, but that method had other problems for me. I spray-basted the layers together and they easily shifted without the tension a hoop provides.

My brain went back and forth on my whether to hand quilt or machine quilt this lovely piece of work, one of the most complex quilts I’ve ever made. But, as so many quilters will attest, this quilt spoke to me. It wanted to be hand-quilted, largely because so much of it was done by hand. Once I made the decision, I reasoned that this was my best and really, only option.

I decided to try my hand, no pun intended, on a small quilt hoop on a stand. I had no idea if I would like this thing, but it did have many advantages, such as its complete customization. The quilt can be turned 360ยบ and the frame can be moved from its upright position to a different height and rake to make using it more comfortable. The biggest advantage for me though, is that it would provide a place to keep my quilt while in progress. I could easily scoot the entire thing out of the way when I’m not using it, and scoot it back to my chair when I want to quilt.

I guess I’m happy with what I call ‘my baby quilt frame, because all I want to do now is quilt. Thankfully the weather has been cool and rainy, so quilting for hours at a time, while I listen to audio books is just about a perfect way to spend a few happy hours. I am using wool batting for the first time. Although I would never consider myself a great quilter, that is the beauty of this – I don’t have to be great to create something beautiful.

I am very pleased at the simple design I have come up with and how it looks on the finished blocks. I am about halfway done at this point. When I wake up, I just can’t wait to get a few things done around the house so I can sit back down and quilt. I quilt in front of the television; I quilt while I listen to the readings of my audible books. I quilt to music.

Could there any better therapy for the pandemic year from hell? I don’t think so.

Here is a sneak peek at how things are going. 

I guess Kasey thinks this one will be hers. I always have the greatest quilt critics, although they never seem to have found a quilt they didn’t like. This one will be no different.