
Monday, September 12, 2022

Just a reminder, if quilting is your thing...

Just a reminder that this site, CHMusings as I like to call it, is a testament to how much I love living in the Arkansas Ozarks.

But, it also contains a link to all the posts from my other blog, CHQuilts, one that is dedicated to my love of all things quilting. 

Feel free to follow my quilting journey, one that has spanned nearly 30 years, even though I still consider myself a newbie quilter. I continue to learn new techniques, challenge myself with nearly each project, and share what I've learned.

While CHMusings contains mostly generalized and even personal postings about my life in the Ozarks, it also contains links to CHQuilts. This is a blog within a blog, of sorts. 

Quilt-related posts can be accessed from clicking on the above tab - CHQuilts, There, I have provided the name, title, and short description of each post. 

CHQuilts  can also be accessed by any of the links herein. 

Typing into any browser will also take you there. 

So come on over and check out some of my latest quilting posts. Each contains a photo and story. Subscribe today to either or both blogs, so you don't miss a post. And don't forget to leave a comment.

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