
Monday, April 27, 2015

Goldfinches aplenty

chmusings: goldfinch fledglings
Springtime is looking up. The oak leaves are just about full size; the seeds are falling from some pretty brisk winds. While it seems to have taken forever to get some decent weather, the sun is shining brightly, even though that wind guarantees a slight chill will remain in the air.

That's OK though because I've noticed a few fledgling finches at the bird feeder. In fact, they are filling the feeders and the trees.

There is a hint of yellow in these feathers, so I am assuming these are goldfinch babies. I've been watching them now for a few days. There are much bigger than when they first arrived. There are about a dozen of them and they must believe there is safety in numbers.

They feed and perch at the same time, often talking to one another, tussling over the perfect spot at the feeder or on a special branch.

Speaking of goldfinches, this morning I was driving down the road and as I passed by, a yellow tornado seemed to arise out of the ditches.

Goldfinches must be migrating because there were dozens of them along the side of the road. The sound of the car startled them and the rose quickly from the ground where they were feeding.

We normally have plenty of our own resident birds, so perhaps many of them are just passing through visiting some of their extended family or just hanging out before their long journey up north.

Whatever the reason, it is always a delight to see that beautiful, bright, burst of yellow flying around. I think goldfinches may be one of my favorite birds.

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