Monday, August 19, 2013

Love August Flowers

I often take a walk around the yard, just to see how my plants are doing. Usually there is little to see past late June. But this year was different. It is August and there are plenty of things to see and enjoy. So as a follow up to my recent post, Rain is done; back to watering, where I proclaim the joy of precipitation, here are a couple of the benefits of the wet weather.

I will never forget this time last year when we suffered such severe drought conditions. The ground was hard and cracked. Temperatures hovered over the 100ยบ mark for days and days. The entire landscape was parched. Even weeds didn't grow.

This is so much better.

Purple Coneflower
A Coneflower I didn't think would make it after the deer pruned it severely this Spring

Crepe Myrtle
A young crepe myrtle that has never bloomed so profusely before

Purple petunias
These petunias' sparse blossoms were spindly and pathetic, but are now blooming profusely

Geraniums and impatiens
Hanging geraniums are in the forefront of a bed of impatiens and vinca
Roma Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes were near death from being eaten. Heavy rain sparked new life in them. I now anticipate their ripening.

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