
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Who could be mad at a face like this?

Mama Doe
My friend the rogue deer who eats lilies and rose bushes

Despite all she and her friends have done to my gardens, my flowers, all living things I've tried so hard to nurture, I just can't be mad at her. The truth is I am in awe of her. She is beautiful. I like nothing more than to watch whenever I see deer in the yard. It isn't uncommon to simply stop what I'm doing and look out the window. On this day, this doe seemed to be posing, letting me walk out onto the front porch just yards away from her. It is like she brought her little one just to show off. There was no front foot stomping, no snorting, just a keen eye on my every move. That's OK.

At least that is my romantic version, as I'm still mesmerized by the sight of her. My heart is completely open to her as I watch her foraging in the front yard with her newborn fawn. In reality, she is probably trying to show the little one the ropes--to teach it how to sneak up onto the front porch and nibble on whatever looks green and tasty. Today, I shan't complain. I am awash in the essence of her. Never did I dream that I would live in the woods among the wildlife.

The following are more pictures of our encounter. 
Doe with her fawn
Mama doe nuzzles her baby. Is it me, or is that devotion on their faces?
Deer and her fawn
Like mother like baby, the two of them watch intently
Young fawn
What a beautiful animal!
Baby fawn
Baby animals are so sweet and innocent. I wish her a long and healthy life
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  1. She has to feed her baby. What excellent pictures.

    1. Thanks Gail. I'm glad she let me shoot from outside. Usually I have to take pictures through the window.


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