
Thursday, June 13, 2013

My life is becoming all about healthy food

perfect breakfast
My idea of a perfect breakfast 
Despite this not being a perfect picture, this is an image of a perfect breakfast.

It consists of two eggs over-easy, yolks in tact, swimming in hot sauce. The fruit are fresh, organic, homegrown peaches, I picked myself.

I've decided, that in my quest to eat healthier, I would forgo the toast with butter and jelly for a piece of fresh fruit to go with my eggs. I eat whatever is available. Sometimes it is fresh strawberries, but with these luscious peaches available, they made for a great morning addition. Who needs bread, gluten, unhealthy genetically-modified wheat when I can eat fresh, organic, homegrown peaches. To me, this is the kind of no-brainer that has become the guiding principle of my eating healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, there are setbacks. I am married to a junk-food junkie who still brings me my favorite potato chips from the grocery store. I'm not complaining. It is a lovely gesture. And the bags are the single-serve size. No matter the size, bags of chips are mostly air these days, so I don't think it is hurting me too, too badly. And for some reason, I love the flavor of Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar potato chips.

I will atone for eating them by making a great big salad for supper and no lunch. I don't mind combining lunch and supper. That seems to be the natural thing. I'm not really hungry for lunch, especially after such a great, delicious breakfast.

I have a little guilt over those beautiful peaches, though certainly not from eating them. My guilt is from picking them. This is the first year for our tree. I've since read that fruit should be pinched off the first couple years in order to establish the tree's roots. Well, here in Arkansas, I'm not sure I'll get another year, since all the deer in the neighborhood will probably eat the thing--they are eating everything else. I can't really complain too much about that. After all, we moved into their forest. We are fortunate they let us live here.

Because we just planted that peach tree last year. I was astonished that it had flowers this year, let alone
homegrown, organic peaches
Home grown, organic peaches
peaches. I looked at it every day. Though it was quite a ways from the house, I could see the peach-colored fruit across the yard. I knew the dozen or so peaches on it were starting to get ready to be picked. Every day I looked at it until the other day, I didn't see my peaches. I thought the worst. As it turns out, I didn't see the peaches because the entire top half of the tree was leaning toward the ground, heavy with the ripening fruit. Immediately I picked them. They weren't quite ready, but I figured they could finish ripening on the counter. They did just that. The tree is now standing tall and proud once again, and my breakfast plate has a perfect companion to my over-easy eggs. Bottom line--life is good in the Ozarks.
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