
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Birds just wanna have fun!

My husband thought I was crazy when I had to have this concrete bird bath top at a yard sale. It didn't have a pedestal, but we have tons of old tree stumps around the yard. This is a perfect place for avian recreation--but don't take my word for it. Check out a typical morning--just after I water what is left of the garden and fill the bird baths. Yes, the weather is still hot! We continue to miss out on rain showers all around us. There is still joy in the little things. At least the birds are happy!

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  1. Birds do love their baths.

    Great shots.

  2. That's where they have gone! The titmouse and chickadee could have stayed here and had the same hot weather you have Carol! Glad you overruled the husband! Every bird deserves their bath! Keep cool! xxoo Nancy

    1. I have had so much fun watching these little guys. Yesterday, the same bird bath hosted, at different times of course, a rabbit, a doe, and a squirrel. They all took their turns. I have to fill it a couple times a day, but it is worth it for the entertainment.


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