
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Proud to watch as Obama exhibits leadership

As I watched President Barack Obama sign Health Care Reform into law, it was a poignant moment, not because of mere words -- what is in the new law or what isn't in it -- but because of what is behind it. Undoubtedly, this will prove that one-size-fits-all does not exist. And there will undoubtedly be negatives. Perhaps some people will fall through the cracks. But overall, I believe this will be a positive story for the majority of Americans.

Like so many issues, when the dust settles, the loudest critics will likely follow along eventually. As changes will take place. They will see that this has been a good thing, in subtle ways that they didn't even think possible. That is how it always happens.

It is a what we have sought for so long.

It is so rare to experience real leadership exhibited in this country. I have become so cynical over the last decade, that I began to believe that common sense just wasn't possible. But not only is it possible, it is happening.

That is a wonderous thing. Hope is a beautiful thing, as it changes our perspective. It gives us the ability to see through new eyes. A new perspective is always a good, refreshing change.

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