
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another Ozark Adventure

Northwest Arkansas has gotten hammered by snow. Both our county and state have issued a disaster declaration. The very word, "disaster" conjures up all kinds of ideas. But don't feel sorry for me - I couldn't be more content.

We received 9-inches of snowfall between Thursday through Friday. It is beautiful to look at, to watch the birds scurry to and from feeders, in the trees and on the ground as they make little footprints in the snow. They know they can count on us for a good supply of food to get them through.

This is so unlike a year ago when our area was pummeled by ice, destroying everything in its wake, complete with five days of having no electricity in our all-electric home, this disaster is one we don't mind at all.

The predictions were scary, because no one really seemed to know just where the storm would go, how long it would stay, or what kind of precipitation we would get. It could have been ice, rain, or snow.

The odds were weighing heavily against rain, and it looked early on like it would be plenty of moisture.

Thursday night was ominous as the freezing rain started to fall, heavily, conjuring up thoughts of a year ago. The temperature dropped and the precipitation turned to snow during the night. We woke up Friday morning to see the trees standing upright, snow on the ground, and more falling. The weather radar brought little comfort as the dreaded pink, which indicates ice, continued to flirt with our area. But with each advance, the blue color that depicted snow continued to dance on its toes, causing it to retreat. Thanks to my husband John who kept the wood stove stoked, this turned out to be just like any other day, except that it was much more beautiful as we couldn't keep ourselves from looking out the windows.

It continued to snow Friday night. A yardstick measured more than 7-inches in the front yard.

We awoke Saturday morning to even more snow on the ground--upwards of 10-inches. The snow stuck to the bark of the trees in random patterns like those of an artist's brush. Snow filled the angles where limbs branched out from their trunks. It piled onto stationery surfaces, such as bird feeders, railings, and posts. It looked thick and fluffy, like the landscape endured a shaving-cream attack. The woods never looked more beautiful. Well, maybe except for the greens of spring and summer and orange tones of fall.

So, we now consider ourselves stranded. The refrigerator and pantry are well-stocked, our cats have plenty of food, logs are piled high outside almost within an arm's reach, and the sun is now shining, adding the glitter to the fairytale scene. Life is good in the Ozarks.

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