
Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer in the Ozarks

This might just summarize my summer in the Ozarks.

This picture has all the elements
-- My beloved cat, Ryan who loves to peer out the window and watch the wildlife
-- The leaves of the oak tree that frames not just this picture, but so many beautiful scenes in the Ozarks
-- That thermometer tells the tale -- proof of the work of the strong, hot, sizzling Arkansas sun
-- A visiting fawn who stopped by with her mother and sister, who had already scampered off into the woods

This photo was taken from inside the sun porch where I like to wile away the hours, often with a glass of iced tea and my laptop. I am rarely without cats. There are six in all. One is an inside/outside cat. Timi was a stray who seemed to adopt us. We were so smitten by her that when she came home from one of her adventures in a family way, we also adopted her four kittens. They were all named after NASCAR drivers. Ryan is named for my favorite -- Ryan Newman. I already had a cat named Emily, who continues to adjust to the new kids on the block. Some days are better than others. The kittens were born on the front porch, but once Timi completed the event, I moved them all inside -- to the sun porch. Since it is the old neighborhood to them, I'm sure that is why they consider it theirs. On second thought, they think every room in the house is theirs. Hmm. I am grateful they share their room with me.

Life is good in the Ozarks.

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