
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Racial inequality deserves an Act of Congress

Solving racism, once and for all should start with an Act of Congress.

Isn't it time we, who are guaranteed equality by the law of the land, make our decisions based on the human experience rather than through a black or white perspective. Isn't it time to punctuate any perceived differences among us with a period -- end of story?

It seems as though the answer to our personal black and white dilemma lies in education. We must all learn to see a picture that is bigger than just our own mirror image. We must realize that we are all members of the human race. What we do to each other we do to ourselves. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

I was outraged by the Henry Louis Gates, Jr., arrest, on so many levels.

Perhaps I am still reeling from Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton overload, but what I heard was another black victim accusing a white police officer of racial profiling. I admit being a bit skeptical. Something in Gates' tone failed to show me a scholar who wants to rise above and even solve the racial divide. I saw a man who wants to use it to his advantage.

Was this a rogue cop as Gates suggests? Was it a case of racial profiling?

In an interview with USA Today, the arresting officer Sgt. James Crowley claims he is not a racist. He refuses to apologize to Gates for arresting him for disorderly conduct. Crowley claims that initially Gates refused to identify himself. Was Gates overly defiant, disorderly?

Gates has one perspective -- that of a suppressed black man. Crowley has nother perspective -- that of a police officer who was investigating a suspicious activity involving black men seemingly breaking into a house.

We need to know the real truth here, rather than these black and white perspectives.

It is time we stop treating people differently -- any people. There are laws on the books that say black and whites are equal. But it seems to me that blacks will continue to be treated differently as long as they insist on acting as if they are different.

The first step to bridge the differences is to do away with the Congressional Black Caucus, a black group of lawmers in the very House where laws of equality were written. Shouldn't this be the first place we see change? This would set a good example by the U.S. Congress.

If a crime was committed against Gates, it needs to be investigated. If Crowley acted inappropriately, he needs to be reprimanded. But rather than just a black or white perspective, this incident like all others should be investigated from a human perspective.

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